Kephart Living


Monday, May 24, 2010

How small is small?

As you may know by now, the recent trend in housing is moving toward smaller and more efficient homes. The benefits of living in a smaller home are a simpler lifestyle, less costly construction costs, lower utility bills, less daily maintenance and less consumer waste.

Everyone’s idea of small is relative. Ask yourself how comfortable you would be downsizing to a smaller home and how you would feel with less furniture, storage space, and overall square footage. Some folks are finding making the change quite liberating.

Gregory Johnson, director of, puts himself to the challenge and profiles his journey of living in 140 square feet house. Natural Home magazine features a great article highlighting Gregory’s pursuit for a more efficient and happier existence through owning less consumable products.

So, we’re interested in knowing what means small to you? Let us know at:

posted by Custom Blogs @ 12:36 PM 

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