Sunday, May 29, 2011
Wilderness vs Population Growth
Wilderness is a general term that includes: National Forests, National Parks, National Monuments, National Grasslands, and finally, designated Wilderness Areas created by the 1964 wilderness act. Our wild areas provide quiet places to experience solitude in nature, tourism benefits for nearby communities, and a variety of recreation opportunities such as boating, hiking, fishing and hunting.
Read more:Guest Commentary: Wilderness vs. population growth - The Denver Posthttp://www.denverpost.com/search/ci_18130258#ixzz1NkvTBcWT
Please click on the link to see the entire article as it is on the Denver Post on-line.Read more:Guest Commentary: Wilderness vs. population growth - The Denver Posthttp://www.denverpost.com/search/ci_18130258#ixzz1NkvTBcWT
posted by Custom Blogs @ 9:28 AM
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Los Angeles Sidekick Nearing Completion
Sidekick Homes and our local Sidekick Builder, Kevin Scalir of Stonebrook Design-Build, are pleased to announce our latest project in the Los Angeles area, a backyard Studio. Sidekick Homes also builds backyard cottages and accessory dwellings(homes for aging relatives, adult children, or as rentals to supplement your monthly income). Visit our website at http://www.sidekickhomes.com/ to select your Home.
posted by Custom Blogs @ 4:04 PM