Monday, January 19, 2015
Swimming Bear
I heard a loud splash and looked up startled to see a large
black bear swimming across the lake toward me.
posted by Mike @ 10:33 AM
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
The Not Too Small House
Friend of Sidekick,
You have found the Sidekick website,and I may be able to answer the questions you still have regarding small houses. If you are looking for Tiny Houses please keep looking. We design "Small Houses," which are both: on foundations, and accessible. Tiny Houses are often on wheels and are usually less than 200 square feet in total size including a sleeping loft reached by a ladder. Grandmother would not be happy with that.
Sidekick's designs range in size from 400 square feet to 800 square feet and most have one or two bedrooms. We have a catalog of designs and will modify any of those to meet your needs. We will also design a home or ADU (accessory dwelling unit) just for you.
It is understood that
Sidekick is not a licensed Architect or Engineer and that our plans are not
intended for use without the overview of a licensed professional.
posted by Mike @ 4:33 PM
Thursday, January 2, 2014
This is a one bedroom home with full kitchen and oversizes bath complete with drive-in shower. Wheelchair access is at the high point on the site, and stairs will be added up to the porch on the front.
The owners are building this home for one of their moms and send us pictures of their progress.
posted by Mike @ 8:43 AM
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
New American Home on the Range
The New American Home on the Range
The American Institute of Architects held a design Competition
Lot size 90 feet X 150 feet
Home Size 2500 Square feet.
We thought the lot size was too big and out of balance with the home size, creating sprawl.
We proposed splitting the lot into two lots and to place two homes on each lot.
Four homes vs. one on the same amount of land
The Judges made no response & awarded us nothing.
We were saying that no home design that followed the rules above could be note-worthy.
We looked beyond the conventional which is the necessary foundation for good design.
posted by Mike @ 11:38 AM
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Sidekick is changing
Sidekick is Changing,
we now reside in a new location at 8300 Fairmount Drive CC-104, Denver,
Colorado 80247, but there's more.
When we have our other changes ready to go we'll let you know. We hope you can benefit from our new ideas.
Thank you,
Sidekick Homes
posted by Mike @ 4:02 PM
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Component Housing
Component Housing:
Sometimes it makes sense to build a home off-site and
truck it in to assemble in place, for instance to get a jump on the short
construction period in mountain areas. The components may include: A kitchen, a
bath and laundry module, and one or two bedroom components. These individual pieces can then be
assembled in any way you choose. Our Guest Houses model is an example of one
assembled Combination (I) as a one-bedroom home.
posted by Mike @ 12:42 PM
Monday, April 15, 2013
Living outdoors and indoors
Realizing that a person could grow tired of the inside of a 400 square foot home without some occasional relief I designed this, the Pavilion Model Home, I considered expanding the living space into the spaces immediately outside the walls of the home. These spaces could have canvas shades above to shed the intense summer sun as well as the rain or even light snows. This is where an outdoor fire pit or radiant heater can extend the seasons for more available time to use this extra space. Actually many of the initial models were designed using this concept. Just look at the Glass House and its beautiful patio areas, or Grandpa's Cabin and its long and wide porch.
posted by Mike @ 8:00 AM