Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Small Town Active Living
Two thirds of the boomers would prefer to live in a rural location or a small town, according to recent surveys by the National Association of REALTORS.
Young adults leave town after high school or within a few years to seek work in a larger city with a stronger job base and greater career opportunities. Some rural towns have changed and survived by finding livelihoods other than agriculture. Perryville, Missouri, my hometown, has been able to entice small industries. Madison, Georgia is rich in southern history, Eureka Springs, Arkansas has grown around the big business of Christian “Passion Plays”, and other rural towns have the good fortunate to be located near attractive scenic areas.
Active Adults is a term commonly used to describe people over 55 who have lots of living left in them. They are healthy, productive and energetic. Where to retire now that the kids are gone, is paramount in people’s minds. Historically, as many as 50% of people move to a new home sometime in retirement. The desire to stay near the familiar is powerful, but is eventually outweighed by the promise of adventure, and an easier, relaxed lifestyle.
Active Adult Communities are specifically designed to offer the fun, adventure and the new relationships with like-minded people that young retirees want. Sun City in Arizona, created in the 1960’s, continues to attract thousands of active adults in communities around the country. An active adult community typically has something for everyone, sports galore, fitness and wellness services, and special interest clubs for any interest.
Small towns can offer all of this in a more authentic package. The people are friendly and they include children and young adults, as well as others our own age. Most of us nearing retirement age enjoy the spirit of young people and the inspiration they give us to enjoy each day. Look outside your big city, small towns still abound within a short drive of the city. One of those may be the perfect Active Adult Small Town.
Labels: Active Living, Senior Living, Sidekick Homes, Small Towns
posted by Custom Blogs @ 6:15 PM

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