Kephart Living


Monday, December 27, 2010

One Denver family

David and Beverly have entered a new stage of life. They are on the road for much of the year, but they still need a home base in the city for the time they do spend here.

They’ve decided to take advantage of the opportunity the city has offered and add a second home onto their property. Denver has included two ways to do this; one is the more familiar Accessory Dwelling Unit, which is limited in size. The other is called a Tandem House. The bulk and height of a Tandem House is regulated but the size in square feet is not.

David and Beverly can add a new home for their use in the backyard of their current home and they can rent or possibly sell the older home. Many single-family homeowners in Denver have TU zoned properties now that can choose to add an Accessory Dwelling or a Tandem House.

Mike Kephart

posted by Custom Blogs @ 2:24 PM 

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