Monday, April 18, 2011
Westerners want Environmental Protections:
A Jan. 2011 survey, Conservation in the West, a bipartisan effort, revealed truths that our politics has all wrong. 81% of voters in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana and Utah believe that environmental laws should not be compromised in favor of oil and gas companies. (as repotted in the Denver Post Sunday 4/17/11). Yes we want jobs, but not at the expense of the very reason we live in these beautiful places.
Mike Kephart
posted by Custom Blogs @ 7:52 AM
Chernobyl, Home Sweet Home

80+ women live long lives in Chernobyl in spite of the danger from radiation, “Home” is that important in their lives? The men died long ago but some 200 women survivors are now outliving their octogenarian counterparts outside the danger zone. (The Today Show, April 18, 2011)
Mike Kephart
posted by Custom Blogs @ 7:50 AM
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Forests dying
This is the alternative to letting forest fires burn. The reason we can't is that too many people live too close to places we should only visit.
posted by Custom Blogs @ 5:57 AM
Urban Wilderness Forest Fires:

Why do we now pay more attention to forest fires? We pay more attention to forest fires because more and more people choose to live near or within forested areas, which are interconnected with our national lands. When fire happens, homes are put at risk and firefighters spend their time protecting people and their homes rather than controlling a fire’s progress.
posted by Custom Blogs @ 5:48 AM
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Oil & Wilderness

Oil & Wilderness
posted by Custom Blogs @ 10:55 AM
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Mike Kephart of Sidekick on PBS
Mike Kephart of Sidekick Homes on PBS
Baby Boomers are changing the world once again. This PBS special, on the impact of Baby Boomers on all aspects of our economy, features Mike Kephart and Joan Therese Sievert.
Mike's interview highlights how boomers have affected the homes we live in and starts about 8 minutes into the video. Mike is an award winning architect of boomer developments and co-authored, with Judy Schreiner, Building for Boomers.
Here are the links, Just copy and paste into your browser, enjoy the show:
or here:
posted by Custom Blogs @ 4:17 PM