Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Accessory Suites
After a two-year long struggle to have Accessory Dwelling Units included in the new Denver zoning code, homeowners with properties zoned for these small houses have encountered another serious obstacle, excessive city fees. Fees for water service, sewer connection, and a host of other fees, are assessed on a per house basis regardless of the size of the living space, which unduly burdens small houses. Forgetting for the moment that an ADU is not a single family house and is considered as part of the primary home much like an addition, these fees are dampening the enthusiasm for ADUs as another way to expand living space for families while providing some sense of privacy for those living there. To avoid some of these extra costs and avoid the problems people seem to have with ADUs maybe we should just attach them to the main house and add that living space as an addition as we did with this example (seephoto
posted by Custom Blogs @ 3:58 PM

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