Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Can you rely on a green certified professional to design a green home? Is a green certified home less expensive to heat and cool? Who certifies professionals and homes?
I received my certification as a green professional from the National Association of Home Builders in May of 2008. To receive this certification I spent several three-day weekends away from home, plus full day classes taking courses in green design. Every home I design now is designed to be green, however, there is no guarantee that hiring a green professional will produce a green home. Nothing learned about green design must be included in every home and changes to a well designed home can be made during const.
A green certified home, however, must be inspected by a third party inspector (provider) through design, and during and after completion of the home. This costs money (a few hundred dollars) and can also be bypassed by an owner or builder. The difference being the process of inspections must be followed or the home will not receive a certification.
There are many rating systems for certification in addition to the NAHB program. LEED, and Green Globes are the most used national programs but cities, counties and states may have their own rating system. They are mostly point systems covering a wide range of construction practices, energy use, water conservation, indoor air quality and more. Designers and builders must comply with a certain percentage of each of the categories included and achieve a min. total score.
Energy conservation is only one of the areas of concern but the one that most impacts the cost of home operation by reducing fuel and electricity costs. It's generally understood that better insulation, control of air infiltration (leaks) and high quality equipment will result in lower energy costs for the homeowner. Water conservation can also reduce those costs but not as dramatically.
Labels: accessory residences, ADUs, Backyard Cottages, carriage homes, conservation, Granny Flats, Green Living, Saving energy, small homes, sustainability
posted by Custom Blogs @ 7:04 AM

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