Sunday, January 29, 2012
South Carolina Costal

Sidekick Model # 22, or Backyard Pavilion 2 is placed above a two-car garage and shop on the first floor. The stair to the upstairs living space is located outside and leads to the large veranda placed to capture distant views. This raised house form comes directly from the low country Tidewater homes that stood on stilts to keep them above the frequent floodwaters. Sidekick will add this home to our Library when the construction drawings are finished.
The architectural Style of Costal Carolina is as distinct as the Southwestern Pueblo style of Santa Fe, New Mexico or The Spanish Colonial Revival style preserved in Santa Barbara, California. They are all three eclectic assemblages of details, materials, color, and roof shapes. Formed by tidewater influences as well as other environmental factors, The Costal Carolina Style grew out of the revival of classic architectural styles such as Victorian, Colonial, and Greek Revival, all popular in the 19th century.
posted by Custom Blogs @ 10:45 AM

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